Going new ways since 1964


Wascosa is known for seeking new approaches both within and outside the industry. Our team is active in international associations and project groups, working together to develop solutions for the future of rail freight transport. This mindset makes us open, transparent and adaptable. We are pioneers and take this role seriously. That’s why you can expect more from us.

Flexibility on rails

flex freight system®

In 2009, Wascosa introduced the award-winning flex freight system®. As the name suggests: It is a modular concept that enables the flexible use of a container flat wagon with various superstructures. This makes the use of the basic wagon more flexible, productive and cost-efficient.

Dr. Thorsten Bieker
Vice President Bulk Logistics & Site Services
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The future belongs to modular systems. The removable superstructure optimises the number of rail wagons required and helps to keep rail transport competitive.

Safety and cost efficiency

Automated Ballast Wagon

In collaboration with customers and partners, Wascosa has developed an automated ballast discharge wagon. Rail operators control the position of the six discharge drums and the amount of ballast from the three hoppers via remote control. This enables more precise and flexible unloading of materials. The soundproofing reduces noise during the unloading process. The 360° lighting on the wagon ensures optimal illumination of the work area, which is particularly useful during night operations. The anti-dust water spray system also serves to protect the operating personnel.

Safety for tank wagons

WASCOSA safe tank car®

Wascosa, together with the customer and manufacturer, has developed a tank wagon that sets new standards in safety and wagon design. In addition to increased safety, the advantages also include a significant increase in productivity through weight savings. Despite the additional, modern safety features, the wagon is equipped with an enlarged tank optimised for acrylonitrile with a volume of 93m³. Other features include derailment detectors, crash buffers, an anti-climbing device, head shields and telematics.

Sjoerd Zuidema
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We've intentionally chosen to exceed legal requirements and to set a new safety standard for all rail transport.

Efficiency in grain transport

Grain wagon 95m³

The grain wagon 95m³ Tagnpps from Wascosa offers an optimised payload of 70.1 tonnes. This high load capacity makes the freight wagon ideal for transporting high bulk density products such as grain. Loading and unloading are facilitated by an 800 mm (rather than 450 mm) wide opening.

The handling of the grain wagon is simplified by a wagon roof that can be operated from the ground. In addition, the optional sampler unit allows for quick and easy collection of cargo samples, which optimises quality control.

Sandra Vukic
Ferest Rail
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Wascosa has optimised the 300 bulk freight wagons exactly according to our needs. We can now put together shorter trains and thus serve even more customers with 2,500-tonne-gross trains.